Conservation of the Short-crested Coquette Hummingbird (Lophornis brachylophus) in the Sierra de Atoyac, phases 1 to 3. American Bird Conservancy. Project developed from 2018 to 2023.

Description: The Short-crested Coquette hummingbird (Lophornis brachylophus) is a microendemic species from the Sierra de Atoyac in Guerrero state, Mexico. This species is critically endangered, with an estimated population of no more than 1000 individuals. In the first phase of this project, we focused on knowing more about the distribution and interactions with the floral resource of this hummingbird, besides raising awareness among rural communities about its importance. In the second phase, ejidal assemblies were held to propose and validate areas voluntarily designated for conservation (ADVCs). Four ADVCs were certified by the National Commission of Protected Natural Areas. The third phase was aimed at training and strengthening local brigades for hummingbird monitoring and environmental surveillance of the certified ADVCs, besides expanding to two new ADVCs totaling more than 8000 hectares.


Conservation Areas in Guerrero. Rainforest Trust. Project under development from 2023 to 2027.

Description: The state of Guerrero has exceptional biodiversity with high endemism, but paradoxically, at the national level, it has the smallest area dedicated to protection, at just 0.1%. As many ecosystems are unprotected, the species that inhabit them are vulnerable due to the constant transformation of natural ecosystems. Biologically important ecosystems develop in the state, such as cloud, tropical and temperate forests, but they are also the most affected by anthropogenic activities, with their distribution becoming smaller consequently. This project aims to expand the system of Protected Areas in Guerrero state and contribute to the protection of highly vulnerable species (AZE species) and biologically and ecologically relevant ecosystems. The proposal includes nine protected areas designated as Voluntarily Destined Areas for Conservation (ADVC).


The Biodiversity of the State of Guerrero, State Study. Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of the State of Guerrero and National Commission for the Knowledge and Use of Biodiversity. Project under development.

Guerrero is the fourth most biodiverse state in Mexico; however, it has shown a significant loss of original natural habitats. Therefore, we must have information that enables designing strategies for the use and conservation of species and their habitats, as well as expanding the surface of natural areas. This is how this project emerged, where aspects of the vast knowledge of the state's biological diversity are addressed with chapters that describe relevant information about our ecosystems and biodiversity, as well as their threats and conditions of use, aspects that lay an immediate basis for a more harmonious relationship between society in general and our environment. This material may be a consultation source and the generator of conservation strategies on natural capital to guarantee its conservation and sustainable use.